Sunday, April 14, 2013

Long time past

Well its been a very long time since I posted on here. Since my last blog a year and a half has past, Matthew and Kat have been married and I had my ECT treatments.
The wedding was so beautiful and everything went very well. Stephen managed to contact the catholic church and find out that my mother was allowed to attend the wedding "without going to hell".
The ECT treatments did not help me at all and the specialist says my last hope is to have electrodes implanted in my brain. The thought of having that done is not something I have really considered. I can't get past thinking about having holes drilled into my skull!
I've had two friends lose a parent in the last 6 months and I'm such a crappy friend I havent even reached out to them. Everything is just too much trouble!! It's not that I dont think about them and wish I could give them a hug but I am just so unable to do so......for this I am truly sorry.